Sunday, August 12, 2012

Salesforce Deployment - Delete a file through ANT

I usually use the ant for deployment this is easy to use & also take less time then Eclipse deployment. Recently  I required to delete a resource from some salesforec org, & I found that there is no detail mentioned about this topic on internet. I keep digging this & come with the detail how you can delete a resource by ANT.
When we use ant deployment here is the folder hierarchy which we use-
ANT Sample Folder
                >>mypkg Folder
                >>retrieveUnpackaged Folder
                >> removecodepkg Folder [Create this new folder to delete the files]
                >> files

To delete a resource you need to add a destructiveChanges.xml  file in removecodepkg  folder. The destructiveChanges.xml file is same as package.xml. format of this file is as below-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package xmlns="">

You also need to have a blank package.xml file in the same removecodepkg  folder. Format of the file will be-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package xmlns="">

Now you have two xml files in removecodepkg  folder –
ant is having build.xml file which have all commands can be executed. There will be a command to delete the code-

<target name="undeployCode">

      <sf:deploy username="${sf.username}" password="${sf.password}" serverurl="${sf.serverurl}" deployRoot="removecodepkg"/>

Now mention the name of the resource in destructiveChanges.xml  file & delete the file from destination org. in our example I am deleting a class LoginController & it’s test class.
You just need to execute below command on ant
>>ant undeployCode

Partner Portal Login Page Customization & URL Masking for Partner Portal

Hope you are totally aware about the partner portal & site before going through this post. In the partner portal salesforce internally provide the default login page that is not user friendly. Here are some issues with the default portal login page-

#1-If you want to do some customization on the page like position, styles etc than it will a little bit difficult. Although you can use header & footer to add the custom style but there is some limitation if you want to fully customize this login box.

#2-Salesforce provide some default url for portal that is not user friendly. It will be something like as below
The url looks not good & not easy to remember if you want to spread to the portal users.

#3-Probably customer required branding at home page & in that case customize login page is a good option.

To avoid these issues you can create a custom login page & can also use site for URL masking (for any partner portal which in the same org). here is the steps 
by which you can do this-
#1-Hope you already having a partner portal in your org.

#2-Create a new site by registering a domain for that org.

let's say you rgister a site with below domain -
SitePortal so you site url will be

#3-Create a dummy login VF page (Name - VFPortalLogin) for now, leave it blank, we will use this page in next step.

#4-Now go to Setup--> Site
create a site with some label. let's say you create MySite. So your site address will be
set the step #3 PortalLogin page as the default page
give the access to site as well as portal for this new page.

#5-Go to Setup--> Site --> Click on recently registered site --> click on Login Setting
Enable the Login (check the checkbox) for the partner which we created at first.

now open that page by site url, your url will be something like OR

you will see that blank login page which we created in previous steps. Upto this step notice that we are using the url masking for the portal. now we are going to start in the code part. here is the login VF page code, copy this code & paste in your VF page

<apex:page sidebar="false" showHeader="false" controller="PortalLoginController">
<apex:form forceSSL="true">
   <apex:styleSheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.PortalResource,'/PortalCSS/elements.css')}" />
   <apex:styleSheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.PortalResource,'/PortalCSS/common.css')}" />
   <apex:styleSheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.PortalResource,'/PortalCSS/extended.css')}" />
   <apex:styleSheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.PortalResource,'/PortalCSS/portal.css')}" />
    <style type="text/css">
        .username, .pw {
            width: 175px;
    <apex:pageMessages id="msg" />
       <div style="margin-top:60px;">
              <div class="portalheaderPRM">
                     <div style="width: 400px; margin: 0px auto; text-align: center; padding-right: 66px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;">
                            Put your LOGO here
<div style="margin: 0px auto; width: 400px;">
       <table id="loginBox" class="bPageBlock" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="85%">
           <tr valign="top">
                     <input type="hidden" name="startURL" value="" />
                       <div class="pbHeader">
                           <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                                   <td class="pbTitle">
                                       <h2>Secure Customer Login
                       <div class="pbBody">
                           <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                                   <td class="portalLoginLabel"><label for="username">User Name:</label></td>
                                         <apex:inputText value="{!UserId}"  Styleclass="username" />

                                   <td class="portalLoginLabel"><label for="password">Password:
                                         <apex:inputSecret value="{!UserPassword}"  Styleclass="pw" />
                           <div><a id="forgotPassword" href="/XXX_PortalPrefix/apex/PortalForgotPasswordVF">Forgot your password?
                       <div class="pbBottomButtons">
                           <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                                   <td class="pbTitle"><img width="1" height="1" title="" class="minWidth" alt="" src="/s.gif" /></td>
                                   <td class="pbButtonb">
                                         <apex:commandButton value="Login" action="{!login}" />
               <div class="pbFooter secondaryPalette"><div class="bg"></div></div>


you see that there are some resource used in the page. you can download these resource from the partner portal default login page>> view source. save all four CSS in a folder & upload it in static resource. set the path in the VF page as per your folder hierarchy.

now here is the controller code for that login page -

public class PortalLoginController {
       public String UserId {get;set;}
       public String UserPassword {get;set;}

       public PortalLoginController(){

       public PageReference login(){
              PageReference pr =  Site.login(UserId, UserPassword,  '/apex/PortalHomepage');
              return pr;

Create a new VF page & set it's name in controller so user will be redirect on that home page after logged in.

It's done, now you see that you can use a custom url for you portal, means we have done url masking.
whenever you need to add a new page you just need to add it at portal & you can use that with the same masked url..!!