I recently used jQuery Star Rating in a site, in that I faced a issue regarding the half star rating, for Eg. If the rating is 2 than it can be shown easily but if it is 2.5 it is a little bit difficult to show the correct rating on the plug in. Here is the code if you are facing this type of issue-
Here is the VF page code & apex class code. In this the calculate method is most important to show the half star rating.
Apex Class
public with sharing class StarRatingController {
public decimal selctedAverage{get;set;}
public decimal averageStar{get;set;}
public List getSkillOptionsStar() {
List skillOptions = new List();
decimal dOption= 1.0;
string val= '';
for(integer i=0; i<>
val = string.valueOf(dOption);
skillOptions.add(new Selectoption(val,val)) ;
dOption += 0.5;
return skillOptions;
public List getSkillOptions() {
List skillOptions = new List();
decimal dOption= 1.0;
string val= '';
for(integer i=0; i<>
val = string.valueOf(dOption);
skillOptions.add(new Selectoption(val,val)) ;
dOption += 0.1;
return skillOptions;
public void calculate(){
string str = string.valueOf(selctedAverage);
decimal tempAvg = 0;
if(str.indexOf('.') > -1)
str = str.substring(0, str.indexOf('.') + 2);
if(str.indexOf('.5') > -1)
tempAvg = Double.valueOf(str);
tempAvg = Double.valueOf(str);
tempAvg = tempAvg.round();
averageStar = tempAvg + 0.5;
public StarRatingController(){
selctedAverage = 1;
averageStar = 1.5;
VF Code
<table cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr>
<td>Select average rating :</td>
<apex:selectList value="{!selctedAverage}" size="1" id="listSelect" onchange="calculate()">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!SkillOptions}"/>
<td>Rating :</td>
<td valign="top">
<apex:outputPanel id="pnlResult">
<div id="divStarRating">
<apex:selectList value="{!averageStar}" size="1">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!SkillOptionsStar}"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
inputType: "select",
split: 2,
cancelShow: false,
disabled : true,
starWidth: 17
<apex:outputLabel value="selected value==> {!selctedAverage}" /> <br/>
<apex:outputLabel value="calculated value==> {!averageStar}" />
<apex:actionFunction name="calculate" action="{!calculate}" rerender="pnlResult" status="calStatus"/>
<apex:actionStatus startText="Please wait..." id="calStatus"/>
Nice stuff
ReplyDeleteI'm new to SF and was wondering if there is an IDE for Visualforce which eliminates some of the coding by using drag and drop?
Hi Oded,
ReplyDeleteIt's not too good but SF don't have this kind of IDE. Generally developers uses Eclipse plug in which provide intellisense for apex classes. you can download it from the net.
If you require any help...please mail me at kapil.goutam@gmail.com