Showing posts with label salesfoce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label salesfoce. Show all posts

Thursday, July 9, 2015

As a beginner MAC OS user with Salesfoce

I am a window user & shifted on MAC recently, this move was not easy & come up with several issues. Struggling phase with MAC is still going on because when you start using MAC you realize that you don't know even simplest thing too :) a bit frustrating!

Couple of issued while setting up Eclipse + IDE for MAC OS, just sharing experience so you can save your time if you face this kind of issues.

1-In my eclipse I did not see autocomplete after ide installation, tried various tricks from internet but nothing works, after a lot of wasting time I came to know that I should install version 30 to see autocomplete feature, probably this is not available in latest releases.

Here is how you can do it- I am assuming you are already have an idea of below link IDE

When you add a " IDE" & click on add there is a checkbox "Show Only latest Version Of Available Software", you need to uncheck it.
You will see couple of versions for IDE. You should select version 30 & after that install it.You will see autocomplete after this installation.

2-The other issue, which I was facing, is
 "An internal error occurred during: "Computing size". The profile is currently in use." 

After wasting a lot of time I came to know that, error is due to I am trying to install eclipse + Ide on FAT 32 partition. & Due to that it is not installing " IDE".
I moved it on MAC drive (Mac OS Extended (Journaled)) & that starts working.

3.I was trying to install the data loader on MAC but many people said dataloader is not build for MAC, it is build for windows only, after wasting some time, I got the version for MAC.

You can go to your salesforce org Setup >> Data Management >> Data Loader >> Download for MAC

4.I also tried if data loader command line tool can work on MAC, but still struggling with this. Probably it is not for MAC, OR it will take some time if any trick can work. But for now it is not working.

Also noticed that if you are using command line in windows & using latest version that will not work, you need to download version 30 for this & that will work.
You can download older version from this link.

5. As a beginner in MAC I noticed that I see Question mark for some app's. This one is not related to salesforce ☺.
When I click on them it will show a popup with that app & application folder. I don't understand it why it is doing like this even I have installed app.
At other hand when I am trying to removing some dmg file from hard drive it is showing a message that it can not be deleted.

Solution is very simple for this issue:-
a-when it shows a popup, you need to move that app in application folder, this is what it is trying to tell user by showing that popup but as a beginner it is not easy to understand.

b- When I did this, I could delete those dmg files too. To check from where app is working go to dock right click on app & click show in finder, it will show the place from where app is running.

c-All apps should run from application folder, so first move app in application folder & then drag & drop that app in dock. Right click on this icon & select "Keep this in doc" & that's it.